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Koff defined obstruction as "any restriction to urinary outflow that if left untreated will lead to progressive kidney damage" (Koff erectile dysfunction yeast infection purchase levitra super active australia, 1987). Working by this definition, indications for surgery are often amassed retrospectively and at the cost of losing "irrevocably" valuable renal function. So, in an attempt to circumvent use of such diagnostics, numerous guidelines have been published, however, and in the absence of precise diagnostic tools indications for surgery will always be debatable (Chertin et al. As there is an evolving interest in minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy, retroperitoneoscopy, and robotic procedures, these procedures are also described in detail. Therefore a conservative approach or operation in two stages is advisable, despite the lack of convincing evidence. In cases of incomplete duplication, a ureteropelvic anastomosis of the upper pole ureter to the lower pole pelvis is possible, either side-to-side or end-to-side. In cases of complete duplication, a standard dismembered pyeloplasty is done, depending on the function of both the upper and lower moiety and the length of the stenosis (Joseph et al. Of the malformations identified, urogenital anomalies are dominant, and of these, dilations in the form of hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis are most common. Febrile infections are often sufficiently treated with antibiotics, with only a minority of patients needing nephrostomy tube diversion in case of concomitant finding of hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis. This leads to a functional discontinuity of the muscular contractions and ultimately to insufficient emptying of the renal pelvis. However, it is unclear whether an intrinsic factor in conjunction with a lower pole vessel is the reason for the symptomatic hydronephrosis (Stephens, 1982). Hydronephrosis is more often seen in boys (Williams and Karlaftis, 1966; Kelalis et al. Surgical Indication Only approximately one-third of affected children will need surgical intervention (Dhillon, 1998). However, the majority of cases resolve with time and do not proceed to surgery (Koff, 1998). Hematuria is seen in some cases and is believed to result from disruption or rupture of mucosal vessels in the dilated pelvis 826 Chapter 42 Surgery of the Ureter in Children: Ureteropelvic Junction, Megaureter, and Vesicoureteral Reflux 827 (Kelalis et al. Surgical Repair When indicated, surgical intervention can be performed by open surgery or laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures. In infants, open surgery is the preferred procedure because the incision required does not differ significantly from what is necessary for laparoscopic or robotic access. However, the laparoscopic or robotic-assisted route is feasible, and the cosmetic outcome should be superior to the open access (Avery et al. There is an ongoing debate on whether minimally invasive procedures should be conducted through the transperitoneal or retroperitoneal routes, even though the majority of pediatric urologists prefer the retroperitoneal approach when performing an open procedure. However, few proper randomized studies have been published comparing the transabdominal and retroperitoneal laparoscopic routes (Gao et al. The main argument for laparoscopic transperitoneal access is that the procedure is easier, and offers the surgeon familiar anatomic landmarks that assist in orientation. However, ease should not stand alone as an argument for any kind of surgical access. Other variables that need consideration are the potential risk for damage to intra-abdominal organs, postoperative urine leakage, and subsequent prolonged hospital stay, all of which tip the balance toward the retroperitoneal approach (Liu et al. Intrinsic narrowing of upper ureter contributing to ureteropelvic junction obstruction. A lower-pole crossing vessel contributes to significant kinking at the ureteropelvic junction and resultant intermittent obstruction. However, dismembering and moving of the ureter anteriorly to the vessel prevents recurrence of symptoms. At this stage, the stenotic part of the ureter is not removed, as it can serve as a handle that minimizes ureteral tissue manipulation while performing the anastomosis and therefore reduces the risk for mucosal edema. Suture size depends on the prevailing anatomy, but most often a 6-0 or 5-0 absorbable monofilament or polyfilament suture on a round needle is used. Care should be taken at the tip of the V at the crotch of the anastomosis, which must be assembled precisely and in a tension-free manner. One should also avoid placing inadvertent excessive tension on the stay sutures while aligning the anastomosis, as this can lead to kinking of the ureter once tension is relieved. Just before completing the anastomosis, the stenotic part of the ureter is removed, and the pelvis is irrigated with saline to avoid blood clots obstructing the ureter. Stenting the anastomosis and the type of stent (either externalized transanastomotic nefro-ureteric or internal pigtail stent) is a matter of choice that differs among surgeons and institutions. The duration of stenting between 1 to 4 weeks does not seem to affect the outcome (Danuser et al. The kidney is brought back to its native position, and the anastomosis can be covered with perinephric fat if available. The initial concerns of compromising the blood supply and innervation of the proximal ureter have since been disclaimed (Douville and Hollinshead, 1955). In the case of a long dysplastic segment of the upper ureter, complete mobilization of the kidney can bridge the distance between the pelvis and ureter for several centimeters. The lower pole of the kidney is freed to avoid overlooking an accessory vessel, especially with retroperitoneoscopic access. Electrocautery should be used with caution to minimize damage to the blood supply of both the pelvis and ureter, with preference given to bipolar diathermy.

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Many have used the term hypoplasia to describe small kidneys associated with vesicoureteral reflux erectile dysfunction and causes discount levitra super active 20 mg with amex. The term hypoplasia is thus technically incorrect, and a more appropriate term for these kidneys would be congenital reflux nephropathy. The terms hypoplasia and congenital reflux nephropathy should not, however, be used interchangeably. Small kidneys associated with reflux have been called hypoplastic in the past; however, now the term reflux nephropathy is used to describe the renal changes associated with reflux. Hypodysplastic kidneys most often occur in conjunction with ectopic ureteric orifices, with the extent of dysplasia correlating with the degree of ectopia (Schwarz et al. However, hypodysplastic kidneys are seen in a few patients with normal ureteric orifices. All forms of hypoplasia can be assessed by ultrasonography with measurement of the kidneys. Renal function is assessed biochemically and, if there is unilateral hypoplasia, by radionuclide studies. This condition differs histopathologically from simple hypoplasia, in which the renal mass is reduced but the number of nephrons is normal. It is usually a bilateral condition, although a few instances of unilateral oligomeganephronia associated with contralateral renal agenesis have been reported (Forster and Hawkins, 1994; Griffel et al. The silhouette in the top center is a diagrammatic representation to scale of an average proximal tubule from a kidney of an age-matched control. This hypertrophy and hyperfiltration results in further nephron injury and sclerosis. Recently, genetic mutations have been described in association with oligomeganephronia (Bohn et al. Clinical Features Oligomeganephronia is a nonheritable congenital disorder, and boys appear to be affected more often than girls. In neonates, kidney disease is often suspected with spontaneous pneumothorax, feeding problems, or laboratory abnormalities and may also be incidentally diagnosed when renal anomalies are discovered in the evaluation of another illness. Moderate proteinuria may be present, but this is more likely to be a later finding. After the first year of life, individuals with oligomeganephronia most often have short stature, polyuria and polydipsia, or proteinuria. As the patient enters his or her teens, the creatinine clearance begins to drop rapidly. Over a period of years, the kidney continues to atrophy with reduction in the number of tubules. Oligomeganephronia is a progressive disorder, and many patients progress to renal failure in the second decade. Histopathology Meticulous histologic examination of the kidney is the only way to establish an absolute diagnosis of oligomeganephronia. As the disease progresses, segmental sclerosis and hyalinosis of glomeruli are present. Typical microscopic pattern of segmental hypoplasia affecting the cortex with thyroidlike tubules, thick-walled arteries, and the absence of glomerulus. Proteinuria and some degree of renal insufficiency may be present if the disease is bilateral. The disorder is usually unilateral, producing a small kidney with deep, narrow, segmental scars (slit-scar) found in the midzone. Histopathology the Ask-Upmark kidney is smaller than normal-12 to 35 g (Royer et al. Its distinctive feature is one or more deep grooves on the lateral convexity, underneath which the parenchyma consists of tubules resembling those in the thyroid gland. The medulla consists of a thin band, and remnants of the corticomedullary junction and arcuate arteries are seen. Treatment In general, treatment is supportive and directed at maintaining normal biochemical balance, hemoglobin, and growth. The allograft may come from a living related donor because the disease is not familial. In patients with unilateral disease, partial or total nephrectomy may control the hypertension (Meares and Gross, 1972; Royer et al. Failure of this measure suggests an unrecognized scar or generalized arteriosclerosis in the remaining kidney (Arant et al. Bilateral disease with renal insufficiency usually is managed medically, although dialysis and transplantation may be needed. Correction of reflux may prevent further renal damage but probably will have no effect on the hypertension. Ask-Upmark Kidney (Segmental Hypoplasia) Segmental renal hypoplasia, or Ask-Upmark kidney, refers to situations of extreme acquired reflux nephropathy, and the patients (usually young women and girls) most frequently have hypertension. The lesions found in these kidneys are most likely acquired, possibly representing chronic atrophic pyelonephritis caused by vesicoureteral reflux, although some appear to be congenital. Segmental vascular (arterial) anomalies have also been cited as a possible cause for these lesions. Renal Hypodysplasia Hypodysplasia may be associated with a wide spectrum of urologic diseases, such as primary obstructive megaureter, ureterocele, urethral obstruction, or prune-belly syndrome. Lateral ureteral ectopia usually leads to vesicoureteral reflux and its associated forms of hypodysplasia. Medial ureteral ectopia, with or without the presence of a ureterocele, can often result in hypodysplasia as well. The renal cortex may be thin, secondary to hydronephrosis, or severely dysplastic, and perhaps with numerous small cysts. The disease is associated with severe hypertension, sometimes with headaches, either alone or together with hypertensive encephalopathy (Rosenfeld et al.

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Tumors with these features or those occurring in children older than age 5 merit a full staging evaluation erectile dysfunction treatment japan cheap levitra super active 40 mg buy online. Large-cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumors are a distinct entity seen in prepubertal children and adolescents; they can be managed by simple orchiectomy. Leukemia and Lymphoma the most common cancers metastatic to the testis are leukemia and lymphoma. Up to 20% of patients with bulky disease may have gonadal disease or relapse in the testis (Askin et al. Because of the high success rates of systemic chemotherapy and whole-body irradiation, routine testis biopsy is no longer required in these patients (Trigg et al. Burkitt lymphoma may occasionally occur as a testicular lesion, and follicular lymphomas may occur primarily in the testis (Finn et al. Testicular Microlithiasis the incidence of testicular microlithiasis in asymptomatic males age 0 to 19 has been reported to be 2. Management Algorithms With the recognition that the majority of these tumors are benign, management of prepubertal testis tumors has evolved from radical orchiectomy. This evolution began in the 1980s, facilitated by improvements in ultrasonography and the ability for frozen section analysis to accurately distinguish benign from malignant lesions. Today patients are preferentially treated with excisional biopsy, intraoperative frozen section analysis, followed by an organ-preserving procedure. A recent review by Woo and Ross (2016) discusses the evolving thought on partial orchiectomy in adolescent males. European guidelines have allowed for consideration of partial orchiectomy for synchronous and metachronous bilateral lesions an in the case of a solitary testis. This is an evolving area: these patients have been managed primarily according to adult protocols. Testis-Sparing Surgery Technique Patients undergoing testis-sparing surgery should be counseled regarding the potential need for radical orchiectomy. The testicle is approached through an inguinal incision, and early vascular control of the spermatic cord is achieved with a vessel loop or Penrose drain. The gonad is delivered through the inguinal incision, and the tunica vaginalis is incised to expose the testicle. With lesions involving or immediately adjacent to the tunica albuginea, an elliptical incision beyond the tumor margins should be made in the tunica albuginea. In patients with nonpalpable lesions, I have used intraoperative sonography for localization. While awaiting intraoperative frozen pathology, the surgeon may reapproximate tunica albuginea with 5-0 running interlocked polydioxanone suture. Intraoperative considerations for testis-sparing surgery include the presence of sufficient normal parenchyma to facilitate closure of the testis. If intraoperative frozen pathology reveals malignancy, a radical orchiectomy is completed. To my knowledge, no reports document a malignant diagnosis on final pathology when intraoperative frozen pathology revealed a benign diagnosis. Yes Ultrasound reveals salvageable testis Yes Tumor excision with frozen section Yolk sac tumor Teratoma Other benign tumor No Adjacent parenchyma prepubertal Peak incidence occurs between ages 1 and 5, a bimodal age distribution has been reported by some, with peaks at less than 1 year of age and at 16 (Ahmed et al. Seven patients were analyzed at a median follow-up of 7 years; all patients were alive. Four patients demonstrated areas consistent with alveolar histology on pathological review; all 7 patients were fusion negative, further supporting a biologic difference, which likely explains the improved outcomes of these patients (Seitz et al. Comparative analysis between these studies demonstrated that adolescents (>10 years old) were much more likely to have retroperitoneal disease and fared worse than children younger than 10 (Wiener et al. Eight were salvaged with second-line chemotherapy, radiation, and in some cases, lymphadenectomy. They suggest that patients with adenopathy may be observed based on the finding that few patients actually had positive nodes after chemotherapy (Seitz et al. Ultrasound, typically the first interrogation, reveals a hyperechoic, heterogenous, solid mass. Treatment Patients with suspected paratesticular tumors should undergo inguinal exploration and radical orchiectomy with resection of the spermatic cord up to the internal ring inguinal and marking of the stump site. Biopsy should be avoided because it may lead to contamination of the operative field. In cases in which biopsy is considered essential, isolation of the gonad and the application of an atraumatic tourniquet is required. If frozen section biopsy is consistent with tumor, the cord should be transected above the tourniquet and the specimen kept in isolation. For patients referred after trans-scrotal biopsy or resection, standard recommendations have included pretreatment re-excision of the surrounding scrotal skin. The appropriate management of regional lymph nodes is essential in patients with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. These studies Chapter 54 identified age older than 10 and a primary tumor larger than 5 cm as adverse prognostic factors. Pediatric Urologic Oncology: Bladder and Testis 1127 patients n = 32) (Fuchs et al. All patients received multiagent chemotherapy; for those treated after biopsy, subsequent treatment was decided based on response at 9 weeks. Initial surgery consisted of biopsy (open, needle, punch, or image-guided) in 24 patients; of these 8 had lymph nodes sampled, all of which were positive.

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Patients whose disease appears later in life develop renal failure and hypertension more slowly erectile dysfunction doctor in pune order 40 mg levitra super active with visa. In general, their clinical problems are the consequence of liver disease rather than the renal disease, with hepatic fibrosis leading to portal hypertension, esophageal varices, and hepatosplenomegaly. Hepatocellular function is rarely abnormal, with liver enzymes typically remaining normal. Because the disease is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, siblings of either sex have a 1 in 4 chance of being affected. The gene produces a protein called fibrocystin (also known as polyductin) (Onuchic et al. Dysfunction of this protein mediates cystogenesis through dysfunction of the primary cilia of renal epithelial cells. It is highly expressed in the kidney, with levels also present in the liver and pancreas. Histopathology the kidneys are symmetrically enlarged (up to 20 times their normal size) and retain a reniform configuration. The parenchyma exhibits small subcapsular cysts, representing generalized fusiform dilations of the collecting tubules radiating from the medulla to the cortex with their long axis perpendicular to the renal surface (Bisceglia et al. The disease may be viewed as a spectrum ranging from severe renal disease and mild liver changes at one extreme to mild renal damage and severe liver disease at the other. The form with severe renal disease is the most common and the one typically seen at or near the time of birth. The form with less severe renal disease and more significant liver damage is present in older children. Clinical Features Affected children typically have enlarged, echogenic kidneys in utero. Oligohydramnios is common because of the lack of normal urine production by the fetus. The infant often displays Potter facies and deformities of the limbs and may have respiratory distress as a consequence of pulmonary hypoplasia. The affected newborn usually has enormous, kidney-shaped, nonbosselated flank masses that are hard and do not transilluminate. Of affected individuals 30% to 50% die shortly after birth as a result of uremia or respiratory failure (Capisonda et al. The earlier the age at which the disease is identified, the more severe the disease. Patients who survive the neonatal period have a milder form of the disease and are likely to survive into adulthood. Some diagnosed as neonates can live beyond age 3 or 4 years before going into renal failure (Avni et al. Hypertension and renal insufficiency are the major manifestations in surviving children, with liver disease becoming more prevalent in older patients. The increased echogenicity is due to the presence of numerous microcysts (created by tightly compacted, dilated collecting ducts) that result in innumerable interfaces. Note the large size and hyperechogenic, homogeneous appearance of the renal parenchyma. Again note the abnormal renal architecture and the hyperechogenic appearance of the kidneys. The parenchyma consists of multiple tiny cysts, with some being slightly larger than others. Severely affected neonates may require unilateral or bilateral nephrectomy, because of respiratory and nutritional compromise. Patients who survive may require treatment for hypertension, congestive heart failure, and renal and hepatic failure. Portal hypertension may be dealt with by decompressive procedures such as a splenorenal shunt. Esophageal varices may be managed, at least temporarily, by gastric section and reanastomosis. Endoscopic sclerotherapy is widely used in pediatric and adult patients with bleeding varices. Hemodialysis and renal transplantation must eventually be considered in many patients. Often, nephrectomy is required before peritoneal dialysis to make room in the intra-abdominal cavity for dialysate. Note that the kidneys are enlarged and the enhancing renal parenchyma is effaced by nonenhancing cysts and represents the progression and normal history of the disorder. It is an important cause of renal failure, accounting for 7% to 15% of patients who receive hemodialysis (Grantham, 1996; Hildebrandt, 1995; Wilson, 2004). Of affected persons, 96% will manifest the disease clinically by age 90 years (Gabow, 1991). Although most cases are identified between the fourth and fifth decades of life, the condition has been reported in newborns and infants (Proesmans et al. All affected individuals manifest the disease (although not necessarily symptomatically) if they live long enough, but renal failure is seldom seen before the age of 40 years, unless the disease manifests during infancy, in which case it is much more aggressive. A number of associated anomalies are common, including cysts of the liver, pancreas, spleen, and lungs; aneurysms of the circle of Willis (berry aneurysms); colonic diverticula; aortic aneurysms; and mitral valve prolapse (Table 39. Only those nephrons that undergo a disruption of a second allele undergo cystic enlargement. This is the "second hit" of the Knudson theory, which has been proposed to explain the focal nature of the cysts (Knudson, 1971).

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The distal third is closed by interrupted sutures of the same kind to allow for appropriate shortening of the ureter at reimplantation without violating the integrity of the running anastomosis (Hendren erectile dysfunction caffeine order levitra super active no prescription, 1969). Athough success rates with this method have generally been excellent, exceeding 90% in many studies (Hendren, 1969; Parrott et al. It is pertinent for all types of ureteral remodeling that tapering be gradual so as not to cause an abrupt change in ureteral caliber, which may cause a form of obstruction. Laparoscopic ureteral remodeling and reimplantation follow the same general principles set for open techniques. An increasing number of reports are demonstrating the feasibility and success of these minimally invasive techniques with excellent short- to medium-term outcomes fully comparable with those of open procedures (Abraham et al. Extravesical reimplantations seem to dominate as technical limitations impede tapering from within the bladder (Abraham et al. Poorer outcomes have also been reported in patients with dysfunctional voiding, neurogenic bladders, and other concomitant lower urinary tract pathology such as posterior urethral valves and obstructed flow (DeFoor et al. The major reported complications are obstruction, vesicoureteric reflux, and persistent dilation. Obstruction is initially managed by stenting as it is sometimes the result of postoperative edema; however, it can also be the result of ischemic stricturing especially after excisional tapering, in which case redo ureterneocystostomy is indicated with the attendant risks associated with revision surgery. Conservative management of vesicoureteric reflux is warranted, especially with the lower grades, as reflux has a tendency to resolve spontaneously in many cases. However, successful management with subureteric injection has been reported with minimal complication (DeFoor et al. A transureteroureterostomy may offer a valuable management option for unilateral cases in which there is severe ureteral scarring or concern regarding compromised blood supply. The method is less invasive than formal open or laparoscopic surgical intervention, with short- to medium-term success rates in the vicinity of 70% to 80% in most studies (Angerri et al. Chapter 42 Surgery of the Ureter in Children: Ureteropelvic Junction, Megaureter, and Vesicoureteral Reflux 852. Babu R: "Mini reimplantation" for the management of primary obstructed megaureter, J Pediatr Urol 12(2):103. Bujons A, Saldana L, Caffaratti J, et al: Can endoscopic balloon dilation for primary obstructive megaureter be effective in a long-term follow-up Casal Beloy I, Somoza Argibay I, Garcia Gonzalez M, et al: Endoscopic balloon dilatation in primary obstructive megaureter: Long-term results, J Pediatr Urol 14(2):167. Chertin B, Puri P: Endoscopic management of vesicoureteral reflux: does it stand the test of time Daher P, Diab N, Ghorayeb Z, et al: the Kalicinski ureteral folding technique for megaureter in children. Janetschek G, Radmayr C, Bartsch G: Laparoscopic ureteral anti-reflux plasty reimplantation.


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Once-daily oral fluoroquinolones erectile dysfunction 5k levitra super active 20 mg buy on line, such as ciprofloxacin 1000 mg extended release for 7 days or levofloxacin 750 mg for 5 days, are also reasonable alternatives in non-hospitalized patients in whom resistance patterns in the community are low (Gupta et al. As mentioned in previous sections, with the emerging resistance and potential for collateral damage associated with quinolones, future guidelines will likely need to address the role of cephalosporins for outpatient treatment of pyelonephritis. If gram-positive cocci are causative, ampicillin/sulbactam with or without an aminoglycoside is recommended. Overall kidney function is not affected in the presence of unilateral obstruction. Any substantial obstruction must be relieved expediently by the safest and simplest means, such as ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy tube placement. A Gram stain of the urine sediment is helpful to guide the selection of the initial empirical antimicrobial therapy. In all cases, antimicrobial therapy should be active against potential uropathogens and achieve antimicrobial levels in renal tissue and urine. Even though the urine usually becomes sterile within a few hours of starting antimicrobial therapy, patients with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis may continue to have fever, chills, and flank pain for several more days after initiation of successful antimicrobial therapy (Behr et al. Susceptibility tests should also be used to replace potentially toxic drugs, such as aminoglycosides, with less toxic drugs, such as aztreonam and cephalosporins. Patients with complicated pyelonephritis and positive blood cultures should be treated with parenteral therapy until clinically stable. When the response to therapy is slow or the urine continues to show infection, an immediate reevaluation is mandatory. Urine and blood cultures must be repeated and appropriate alterations in antimicrobial therapy made on the basis of susceptibility testing. Depending on the clinical presentation and response and initial urologic evaluation, some patients may require additional evaluation. Infections of the Urinary Tract 1171 Emphysematous Pyelonephritis Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a urologic emergency characterized by an acute necrotizing parenchymal and perirenal infection caused by gas-forming uropathogens. Because the condition usually occurs in patients with diabetes, it has been postulated that the high tissue glucose levels provide the substrate for microorganisms such as E. In addition to diabetes, many patients have urinary tract obstruction associated with urinary calculi or papillary necrosis and significant renal functional impairment. The overall mortality rate has been reported to be between 19% (Huang and Tseng, 2000) and 43% (Freiha et al. Nearly all of the documented cases of emphysematous pyelonephritis have occurred in adults (Hawes et al. The usual clinical presentation is severe, acute pyelonephritis, although in some instances a chronic infection precedes the acute attack. Almost all patients display the classic triad of fever, vomiting, and flank pain (Schainuck et al. Patients without diabetes can also develop this form of pyelonephritis but often have ureteric obstruction and do not seem to develop extensive disease (Pontin and Barnes, 2009). A crescentic collection of gas over the upper pole of the kidney is more distinctive. As the infection progresses, gas extends to the perinephric space and retroperitoneum. This distribution of gas should not be confused with cases of emphysematous pyelitis in which air is in the collecting system of the kidney. Ultrasonography usually demonstrates strong focal echoes suggesting the presence of intraparenchymal gas (Brenbridge et al. The presence of renal or perirenal fluid, the presence of bubbly or loculated gas or gas in the collecting system, and the absence of streaky or mottled gas patterns are associated with a less than 20% mortality rate. Extensive perinephric (long arrows) and intraparenchymal (short arrows) gas secondary to acute bacterial pyelonephritis. A nuclear renal scan should be performed to assess the degree of renal function impairment in the involved kidney and the status of the contralateral kidney. The clinical presentation of patients with acute bacterial nephritis is similar to that of patients with acute pyelonephritis but usually is more severe. The mass has slightly less nephrographic density than the surrounding normal renal parenchyma. Conversely, abscesses tend to have liquid centers, are usually round, and are present before and after contrast medium enhancement. More chronic abscesses may also show a ring-shaped area of increased enhancement surrounding the lesion (Corriere and Sandler, 1982). Gallium scanning reveals uptake that is in the region of and larger than the previously demonstrated mass (Rosenfield et al. In patients with multifocal disease, the findings are similar but multiple lobes are involved. Acute bacterial nephritis probably represents a relatively early phase of frank abscess formation. Patients with bacterial nephritis typically respond to medical therapy, and follow-up studies will show resolution of the wedge-shaped zones of diminished attenuation. Failure to respond to antimicrobial therapy is an indication for appropriate studies to rule out obstructive uropathy, renal or perirenal abscess, renal carcinoma, or acute renal vein thrombosis. Long-term follow-up studies performed in a few patients with multifocal disease have demonstrated a decrease in renal size and focal calyceal deformities suggestive of papillary necrosis (Davidson and Talner, 1978). Note irregular midpole mass (M) of slightly higher echo texture than surrounding normal renal parenchyma. Diabetes mellitus is noted to be a very significant risk factor for development of renal abscesses, as is increased length of hospitalization (Ko et al.

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Future studies should focus on the effects of early surgery and correlate cryptorchidism etiology erectile dysfunction juicing purchase levitra super active master card, once known, with long-term fertility potential. Two retrospective cohort studies of men with previous cryptorchidism assessed paternity in 145 (Gilhooly et al. Together, these studies identified successful paternity in 100 of 123 (81%) men with a history of unilateral and 19 of 54 (35%) men with a history of bilateral cryptorchidism. Questionnaire, hormone, semen analysis, and paternity data were analyzed for a large cohort of men who underwent orchidopexy between 1955 and 1975 and a control group of similar age who were matched for timing of unrelated surgery. For all married or cohabitating men, 32 of 88 (36%) former bilateral, 322 of 609 (53%) former unilateral, and 413 of 708 (58%) controls had fathered children. Of those attempting paternity, 32 of 49 (65%) former bilateral, 322 of 359 (90%) former unilateral, and 413 of 443 (93%) controls were successful. There were no significant differences between the unilateral and control groups and no differences between groups in the frequency of attempted paternity or in other lifestyle factors that may adversely affect fertility. The frequency of successful paternity did not differ between men with previous unilateral cryptorchidism who had undergone orchiectomy and the control group. Sperm density and motility were normal in 83% of men in the unilateral group, and morphology did not differ from control values. The authors concluded that prediction of infertility is difficult in the absence of azoospermia or severe oligospermia. In limited series, investigators have addressed the possibility of defective spermatogenesis in adult patients with persistently retractile testes or with milder forms of acquired cryptorchidism, with or without apparent spontaneous descent of the testis at puberty. In small, retrospective outcome studies, Puri and Nixon (1977) reported 74% paternity and normal testicular volume in a series of 43 adults with untreated retractile testes in childhood. Two series reported varying degrees of abnormal germ cell or Sertoli cell development in retractile testes of boys who underwent elective orchidopexy as compared with boys with descended testes; differences were qualitatively similar to findings in cryptorchid testes (Caucci et al. Methodologic limitations prevent clear differentiation of retractile from acquired undescended testes in these studies. Prospective studies of well-characterized patients are needed, but there is insufficient evidence to support an increased risk for infertility in uncomplicated cases of retractile testis. Similarly, the outcome data for acquired cryptorchidism are difficult to interpret, because to date they are based on retrospective, nonrandomized studies that analyzed cases of both spontaneous descent at puberty and prior orchidopexy. In a retrospective series of 45 adults with spontaneous descent of bilaterally undescended testes after 10 years of age by history (without clear documentation of congenital vs. Investigators from the Netherlands who have followed boys with either congenital or acquired cryptorchidism reported follow-up fertility data (van Brakel et al. Shared risk factors include inguinal hernia, prematurity, and low birth weight (Rajpert-De Meyts et al. In the large population-based study of all boys born in Australia, there was also evidence of increasing risk for cancer for every 6 months delay in treatment after 18 months of age. This was similar to prior studies, although the subset of patients with cancer (27) was small (Schneuer et al. A review of tumor pathology in treated versus untreated cryptorchidism showed that seminoma is associated with persistently cryptorchid testes (74%) and nonseminoma is present in the majority of scrotal testes (63%) (Wood et al. Although rare, these tumors have also been reported in boys with cryptorchidism before puberty (Mittal et al. Persistent expression of these markers beyond the first year of life in germ cells of cryptorchid testes has been reported, consistent with delayed spermatogonial maturation (Kvist et al. This occurred in younger boys and was associated with a germ cell count that was usually normal and higher than the mean for the majority of cases. Although not identified in normal boys, the relevance of this finding to tumor risk remains unknown. Husmann has recommended that biopsy be performed in these individuals and in boys older than 12 years of age undergoing orchidopexy, although the age cutoff and usefulness of biopsy during pubertal orchidopexy has not been clearly defined. Orchiectomy should be considered the preferred treatment of cryptorchid testes in postpubertal males up to 50 years of age (Wood et al. A population-based analysis of the prevalence of microlithiasis in a series of primarily Caucasian boys shows that the prevalence is 4. In about one-half of these cases, the degree of microlithiasis was limited, defined as less than 5 lesions per testis, and not considered clinically significant. In 99 men with prior cryptorchidism, the prevalence of microlithiasis was 14% in affected testes and 19% in contralateral descended testes, with no significant difference between these groups or between cases of congenital and acquired cryptorchidism (van Brakel et al. Ultrasound images from an 11-year-old boy presenting with testicular asymmetry who underwent bilateral orchidopexies in infancy. The significance of these entities in the context of cryptorchidism remains poorly defined. It may occur after scrotal testes are confirmed at birth or after spontaneous descent of a cryptorchid testis and may be more common in boys with retractile testes. Alamsahebpour A, Blachman-Braun R, Gupta A, et al: Laparoscopy and transseptal orchiopexy in the management of transverse testicular ectopia, Curr Urol Rep 16(7):48, 2015.

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Erturhan reported a significantly higher stone expulsion rate erectile dysfunction jason order levitra super active 40 mg amex, reduction in pain, and shorter time to stone passage among patients receiving doxazosin (71%) than controls (29%) (Erturhan et al. This study also reported a reduced mean time to stone expulsion in the tamsulosin group compared with the analgesic cohort (7. In addition, a multi-institutional retrospective cohort study demonstrated that tamsulosin was associated with higher stone passage (56%) compared with those treated with analgesics alone (44%) (Tasian et al. Overall, tamsulosin was safe in children despite its off-label use, with only three patients reporting mild nasal congestion and no patients stopping treatment secondary to side effects (Mokhless et al. Whereas -blockers seem to be most effective for adults Hyperuricosuria Uric acid excretion is greater in children than in adults, with the highest urinary fractional excretion (Fe) found in neonates (Fe 30% to 50%) and levels reaching adult values (Fe 8% to 12%) in adolescence (Cameron et al. Interestingly, in spite of the higher uric acid excretion observed in children, uric acid nephrolithiasis is rather rare in childhood, accounting for <5% of all renal calculi. Epitaxy, in which the presence of uric acid promotes calcium oxalate crystallization, may be found in patients with hyperuricosuric calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis (Coe, 1978). Epitaxy is the process by which the crystal base of one material allows the growth of a second mineral that it is in the same crystalline orientation. In children who are not yet toilet trained but are older than 2 years of age, hyperuricosuria can be defined as >0. Hyperuricosuria in the setting of low urinary pH is the greatest risk factor for uric acid stone formation. Hyperuricosuria associated with significant hyperuricemia is usually associated with inherited disorders of purine metabolism (hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency, phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase superactivity), lymphoproliferative disorders, or polycythemia. Rarely, a condition known as hereditary renal hypouricemia characterized by low serum uric acid, hyperuricosuria, nephrolithiasis, and exercise-induced acute renal failure has been observed. Other causes of hyperuricosuria include excessive purine intake (animal protein, anchovies, mussels), hemolysis, uricosuric medications (probenecid, salicylates, losartan), cyanotic congenital heart disease, melamine toxicity, and idiopathic (familial). In pediatric patients, except in cases of coexisting anatomic abnormalities, clinicians should not routinely perform open/ laparoscopic/robotic surgery for upper tract stones. In pediatric patients with asymptomatic and nonobstructing renal stones, clinicians may utilize active surveillance with periodic ultrasonography. Surgical Management Up to 60% of children with kidney or ureteral stones require surgery (Routh et al 2010a, 2010b; Dangle et al. However, among ten major areas in kidney disease, kidney stones have the fewest proportion of citations that are randomized controlled trials, demonstrating both the difficulty in completing randomized trials for nephrolithiasis and indicating the need for high-quality evidence to inform clinical practice (Strippoli et al. Despite the increasing incidence of pediatric nephrolithiasis, the comparative effectiveness of surgical interventions for pediatric patients with kidney stones is particularly unclear, and the evidence for or against any given surgery is especially poor. Open stone surgery such as nephrolithotomy is rarely used in the contemporary era. Endoscopic techniques initially utilized in adult populations have been increasingly utilized for children and adolescents as technologic advances have produced smaller, more flexible equipment. Introduction of flexible and smaller ureteroscopes have enabled treatment of proximal ureteral and renal stones, primarily for stones less than 15 to 20 mm. In 2016, the American Urological Association and the Endourological Society published guidelines for the surgical management of kidney stones (Table 43. Of the eight pediatric-specific recommendations, none were guided by level A evidence and four were based on expert opinion alone. In response to this knowledge gap, the 2017 National Urology Research Agenda prioritized studies of pediatric patients with kidney stones (Ellison et al. Goals of Therapy the goals of surgical intervention for nephrolithiasis are the same for children as they are for adults: to achieve stone clearance with the minimal number of procedures, risk conferred, and complications. The choice of intervention is determined primarily by the size and location of the stone, patient anatomy, and patient (and provider) preference. Secondary considerations include patient Chapter 43 comorbidities, composition of stone (if known), and equipment availability. Currently, the choice of the type of surgical intervention is heavily influenced by the site where the child obtains care (Wang et al. Management of Pediatric Kidney Stone Disease 861 Ancillary Procedures/Anesthesia Children requiring surgery to remove stones often need multiple anesthetics to complete the operative plan. Because of the risk of ureteral perforation and stricture associated with active dilation in children, a ureteral stent may need to be placed if the ureteroscope cannot be introduced to allow for passive dilation of the ureter (Raza et al. However, a "pre-stent" increases the number of anesthetics needed to remove the stone. The need for multiple anesthetics is a concern considering the potential risk for neurotoxicity in the developing brain. Future comparative and cost-effectiveness studies should examine the disadvantages and potential harms of surgical interventions along with the efficacy. Such studies will be critical for shared decision making and understanding the impact of alternative interventions on outcomes that are important to patients and their families. Stone Clearance Definition Stone clearance is generally considered the most important clinical outcome of surgery. Although children may have a greater capacity to clear residual fragments than adults (Gofrit et al. There is currently no consensus regarding the maximum size of residual fragments that are considered clinically significant for children, and as a result there is no clear definition as to what constitutes "stone-free" status. It is thus difficult to directly compare the results and complications associated with different techniques, stone sizes, stone locations, and methods of outcome ascertainment. A urine culture should be obtained before all upper tract procedures to determine if the urine is sterile, and culture results are used to guide preoperative antibiotic therapy, particularly for patients undergoing percutaneous procedures, patients with high-grade obstruction, or patients with an indwelling stent (Wu and Docimo, 2004). Antibiotics should not be continued for greater than 24 hours postoperatively unless there is a clinical concern for infection.

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In cases of obstruction male impotence 30s order levitra super active 40 mg without a prescription, infection, or postoperative pain, the knot is released and the transanastomotic nephro-ureteric tube drains the system, acting as a nephrostomy tube. It is customary to leave the bladder drained by a Foley catheter for up to 24 to 48 hours postoperatively. In such cases, retroperitoneal access can be cumbersome as a result of scarring, and a transperitoneal approach is preferred. If scarring of the ureter is severe and mobilization of the kidney and ureter does not allow for an appropriate length to perform a tension-free anastomosis, a ureterocalicostomy should be considered. Outcome and Complications In general, pyeloplasty is a safe procedure with few complications and a high success rate between 90% and 100% (Poulsen et al. This makes the comparison among different outcome studies difficult if not impossible. Perioperative complications include bleeding from ureteral or pelvic vessels, which can be handled preferably by bipolar diathermy in most cases. Postoperatively, infection, pain, and increasing dilation might be early signs of a failed reconstruction (Lindgren et al. However, blood clots and edema may be the cause and will usually resolve Ureteral Strictures Congenital ureteral strictures are rare anomalies that have been described causing hydroureteronephrosis. Dilation is identified antenatally but because of their extreme rarity, these patients are usually misdiagnosed as having hydronephrosis or megaureter. Management entails excision of the stenotic ureteral segment and reanastomosis by ureteroureterostomy; excised segments range in length from 1 to 3 cm and are histologically characterized by increased collagen deposition and muscular hypertrophy (Hwang et al. Ureteral Polyps Ureteral polyps are another rare anomaly that may lead to obstruction and dilation. They are more common in males and on the left side, can be single or multiple, and can reach several centimeters in diameter. The kidney is mobilized as much as necessary to gain access to the lower pole and to subsequently perform the anastomosis without tension. The anastomosis should subsequently be performed over an internal stent and consideration given to leaving a nephrostomy tube. The initial suture is placed at the apex of the ureteral spatulation and the lateral wall of the calyx, with another suture placed 180 degrees from that. However, the capsule should not be closed close to the anastomosis itself because this may compromise the lumen by extrinsic compression. Instead, the anastomosis should be protected with a graft of perinephric fat or with a peritoneal or an omental flap. The technical challenges of this approach have been facilitated by the use of a robotic-assisted procedure that improves the anastomotic repair. Such a situation may lend itself to a repair using endoscopic procedures or preferably a repeat dismembered pyeloplasty. For open surgical procedures, patients are placed in the supine position with slightly abducted hips, and the lower abdomen is raised by placing an appropriate sized gel pad behind the level of the sacrum to facilitate exposure. The abdomen and perineum are prepped and draped to include the genitalia in the prepared field to allow for sterile urethral catheterization. The anterior rectus fascia is opened transversely and lifted off the recti to the level of the symphysis pubis inferiorly and to just below the umbilicus superiorly. The rectus abdominis muscles are separated in the midline vertically along the linea alba by blunt dissection, thereby exposing the perivesical space. Alternatively, and in redo cases a vertical lower abdominal incision may be preferable because it allows for more extensive cranial mobilization of the ureters. A moderately filled bladder allows for easier identification and mobilization of the bladder. Histologically, they are classified as fibroepithelial benign polyps (Kanamori et al. Intravesical Procedures When the bladder is identified, the peritoneum is gently swept off the dome. The surgical incision is best kept open by using a Denis Brown ring retractor with the blades placed so they retract the bellies of the rectus abdominis muscles laterally on both sides and an additional blade placed cranially within the bladder exerting gentle countertraction on the gauze-packed bladder dome. The lateral bladder walls are retracted laterally by the pull of stay sutures, thereby minimizing trauma incurred by retractor blades directly applied to the friable mucosal lining of the bladder. The ureteric orifice is now cannulated with an appropriately sized baby feeding tube, usually a 5-Fr catheter, which, in turn, is secured to the ureter at its mucosal lip in the bladder with a 5-0 monofilament absorbable suture. By applying gentle traction on the stay suture, the ureter can then be mobilized into the bladder by dividing its intravesical and extravesical attachments with tenotomy scissors and bipolar diathermy. A multitude of surgical procedures and their laparoscopic counterparts have been described. Surgical Management the surgical procedures can be classified according to the access and approach used to mobilize the ureter and according to the position of the created submucosal tunnel in relation to the original hiatus of the ureteric orifice. The bladder is approached extraperitoneally (A) through a Pfannenstiel incision and opened vertically (B) between stay sutures. The refluxing ureteral orifice (C) is identified and cannulated with a 5-Fr baby feeding tube, which is fixed to the ureter with a stay suture that allows handling and traction. The ureter is now mobilized into the bladder (D) by dividing intravesical and extravesical attachments using tenotomy scissors and bipolar diathermy. The superior lip of the original hiatus is retracted with a Langenbeck (E) to sweep off peritoneal attachments and structures from the posterior aspect of the bladder, under direct vision in a superiomedial direction toward the planned neo-hiatus. Using the suture as a guide trail, the ureter is now guided out of the bladder and pulled in through the neo-hiatus (H and I). The mucosal defect at the neo-hiatus is closed with 5-0 absorbable monofilament sutures (J to M). At this point, the ureter is released and can be mobilized fully into the bladder and will reach the contralateral bladder wall without tension.

Gelford, 65 years: Metastatic lesions from neuroblastoma have been observed to develop the histology of mature ganglioneuroma, supporting the latter theory (Hayes et al. Stromal and epithelial predominant tumors are found more often after chemotherapy. Disadvantages include possible injury to the neurovascular bundle (if the plication is performed off the midline axis) and the potential for recurrence of curvature.

Hauke, 38 years: Most failures are caused by either high-grade reflux or an inadequate ratio of tunnel length to ureteral diameter. The bacterial susceptibility and cost of the drug vary dramatically among inpatient and outpatient settings throughout the country. Failure to address these aspects of bladder dysfunction can increase graft loss (Herthelius and Oborn, 2007).

Sanford, 57 years: Consideration for musculoskeletal causes of pain or other causes of flank pain should be given. Therefore it is imperative that each clinician keep abreast of changes in bacterial susceptibility via regional antibiograms as well as cost patterns and use current information when choosing antimicrobial agents. Williams J, Reeves D, Brumfitt W: the effects of bacteriuria in pregnancy on maternal health.

Ugrasal, 58 years: Careful surveillance for potential gonadal tumors in the patient raised as female is also advisable. Consideration should be given to gonadectomy at puberty with appropriate androgen replacement in this setting, given the high risk for malignancy and unlikelihood of male fertility. A classification system that includes the location of the urethral meatus as well as the degree of penile curvature after degloving leads to a more definitive and relevant diagnosis.

Konrad, 33 years: The distention of these pelvic structures has resulted in edematous, cyanotic legs, respiratory distress, and acidosis (Raffensperger, 1988). Choufani S, Shuman C, Weksberg R: Molecular findings in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 163C:131�140, 2013. Heppenstall-Heger A, McConnell G, Ticson L, et al: Healing patterns in anogenital injuries: a longitudinal study of injuries associated with sexual abuse, accidental injuries, or genital surgery in the preadolescent child, Pediatrics 112(4):829�837, 2003.

Brontobb, 29 years: Several sclerosing agents have been used, including glucose, phenol, iophendylate (Pantopaque), bismuth phosphate, and absolute ethanol, but none has been sufficiently impressive for its use to become dominant (Holmberg and Hietala, 1989). This includes the categories of urinary, psychosocial, organ-specific, infection, neurologic/systemic, and tenderness of skeletal muscle. There is necessity for lifelong review for some groups-most of those who have had major surgery or have some form of persistent renal impairment.

Khabir, 42 years: Antimicrobial agents should be immediately started upon diagnosis of perinephric abscess. Issues related to the diagnosis-specific potential for normal sexual functioning and fertility and the risk for gonadal malignancy should be addressed. In a patient with persistent urine leak after ureteral stent placement and percutaneous drain placement into a urinoma, we consider nephrostomy tube placement.

Karrypto, 30 years: The authors also noted that only 4 of 250 surveillance cystoscopies revealed suspicious lesions, none of which proved cancerous. On surgical exploration of patients with bilateral vanishing testes syndrome, rudimentary cord structures are usually identified, and biopsy of their distal ends demonstrates no recognizable testicular tissue histologically, only hemosiderin deposits (Bergada et al. Stein R, Frees S, Schroder A, et al: Radical surgery and different types of urinary diversion in patients with rhabdomyosarcoma of bladder or prostate�a single institution experience, J Pediatr Urol 9(6 Pt A):932�939, 2013.

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